My process in creating Making Tarot Modern

“The life force that fills the universe is not gentle or benign. It must be discharged, grounded in something real, because our bodies, our selves, are not meant to contain it, but only pass it on.” - Rachel Pollak

I never thought I would be one to make Tarot Decks.

But my journey hasn’t always made sense to me in a logical way. I have learnt to trust however.

When I found The Law of One on my spiritual journey I felt like I received an activation. I felt like I cellularly understood concepts and ideas that I had seen before, but never fully ‘got’. Like, Unity and Oneness for an example, it felt nice, and fluffy, but never really true. But now I see the more nuanced way of understanding all that is.

Within the fifth book of the text Ra mentions three ways to support ourselves in our evolutionary process here on earth - our growth process, Those being astrology, Kabbalah and Tarot. Tarot is the method with which there is great detail on its influence and power to support us in understanding ourselves.

“Know thyself” as one of the greatest quotes of all time - but how?

Through Tarot we can more deeply ‘know thyself’ - understand why we are here and support the magical experience here on this planet. It is one thing to think, wonder or believe, but to root that down into something we can tangibly hold or see within the cards - is different.

I’ve found some of the most transformative times in my life have been supported through the tarot. The messages, guidance and intuitive confirmations, within readings or on my own.

I have also found that - you can connect with the unseen in a way that gives you hope and faith.

When I decided that I wanted to bring through my version of the Law of One Tarot - in 2021 - I knew that I wanted it to be different. I have always felt like the decks I saw were beautiful, but not me. They were dense, detailed, descriptive, gender based and just a little bit outdated.

I wanted to make tarot modern. To allow people to connect with a deck that was earthy, organic, cool and that had less of a focus on gender and more on the energy behind it all.

When I put it out to God that I had the desire to create and bring through the Law of One Tarot - which had never been done before, I was met with support soon after. Zoey, my support through the process brought her experience and knowledge in a way that allowed me to do it on my own. I met Laura shortly after she emailed me about collaborating on a project, and found her aesthetic to be the perfect match for the vision I had. I brought in Alison Baker from my team for copy support - and together we worked on bringing through the vision for The Law of One Tarot.

During the process I also decided to create a deck for divination, since divination was not a part of the Law of One Tarot, and essentially it does not include the Minor Arcana - I felt like it would be incomplete without bringing through that experience for folks that feel so contented to the process of the experience of connecting with the magic of divination.

I committed through the years of this to allow it to move in the way that it wanted. For me as someone that is incredibly organized, diligent and obsessed with strategy and deadlines, I had to release the pressure of a timeline and just take it as it came. The longest and most arduous part was the copywriting - making sure to create something unique to my voice, experience, intuition that felt accurate and true. With so much writing, comes a lot of editing, and even self doubt.

Working through this without a publisher allowed me to deeply understand the process, be a part of each step and infuse my intention and energy into each of the pieces. I feel so grateful for the way it has shaped up and for each of the detours we took along the way.

I understand and see bringing two Tarot Decks into the world as my purpose to support people in their evolutionary process, to help them to know themselves more deeply and to connect to their Soul or Higher Self. Having a connection to the unseen realms is one of the best parts of my experience here on earth and a foundational part of my life. I hope that for you too.

Enjoy this deck and use it with care and love - I made it for you.


What is the Law of One?


Divination vs. Non Divination when working with your decks