Setting an intention with your deck and while using tarot

I am not someone who wants you to go into the spiritual realms without guidance. One of the most important parts of our experience in life is to guide or direct our energy into a focus to create more of what we want in life. To set an intention. Why are we doing what we are doing? What is the goal we have with the deck or the draw of the card? To know or understand what exactly? To see things more clearly? To receive guidance or clarity?

Create Your Space: Set aside a nice bit of time to devote to your intention. Has rushing ever felt magical? I don’t think so! Get as elaborate or minimalist as you like, paying attention to what puts you in a calm and focused headspace. It could be incense, crystals, peaceful music… even a ceremonial robe if you’re feeling fancy. Or it could simply be a quiet corner in your house with no distractions. Intentions are all about you, so don’t hold yourself to others’ standards!

Focus Your Thoughts: Once you’ve gotten cozy, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Take several breaths to sink deeper into your body, allowing all the chatter about your schedule, what to cook for dinner, and all the details of your mundane life to fall away. Once you feel centered, ask yourself what to set your intention around. Notice and feelings, words, phrases, or images that arise. Tip: Don’t overthink things - you can always shape your intention more later.

Set Your Intention: What did you come to this magical process for today?

Bring Out the Cards: It’s finally tarot time. Take your deck and flip through it while holding your intention in your mind. Divide the deck into two piles: one for the cards that resonate with your intention and another for the ones that don’t. Go with your instincts here and try not to overthink things.

Once you’ve gone through the whole deck, return to the pile of resonant cards. Lay them all out and select the one that best encompasses your intention. Don’t worry if you’re not entirely sure why, that’s part of the magic of leaving space for mystery and your subconscious. Congratulations, you’ve chosen your intention card!

For my process:

  • First I check in with my space, I love to light a candle, set the mood, or just do it right when I wake up and my mind is clear.

  • I focus my mind and set my intention through prayer and mindfulness.

  • I would first call on the intention of the highest good of all involved. To cleanse and clear my auric field of any energy that is not my divine essence. To reconnect with my Highest Self and ask for the removal of any frequencies, energies, beliefs, thoughts, judgements, feelings or entities that do not best serve this work.

  • With that, you can call in your divine support team, your angels, guides, ancestors, galactic support to aid and assist you in this process.

  • Come with a pure heart and clear mind, seek to be in a space where you are conscious and able to be with your subconscious and unmanifested self.

There is a belief that Tarot is evil in some religions. Tarot is not evil - essentially to the untrained eye they are just images and nothing more, however whenever we do work within the spiritual realm through any practice involving divination or incantation there can be a spiritual opening that happens. Ensuring that you are seeking to find the Light and utilize this moment for your highest good through intention serves as a protection of sorts from anything that does not serve you.

When you first get your deck I suggest doing a beautiful ritual to welcome this tool to your home and create a relationship with it. I will share more about that here.

I hope this approach is helpful and inspiring as you develop an intention setting practice that works for you!


Divination vs. Non Divination when working with your decks


Cleansing and Clearing your deck